In celebration of Digimon Universe Appli Monsters coming to CrunchyRoll, I thought I’d share how I set up my Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay and how I kept it both cheap and easy. Also, fun fact, no sewing required for this one.
I am so cheap and lazy when it comes to cosplay, but that doesn’t mean my cosplays are of low quality (they’re at least decent).
If a cosplay is an unusual fantasy-style or if I’m particularly lazy, I will just buy a cheap-ish cosplay on eBay, but if the costume is easily put together with real clothes, of course I will opt for that option.
Also, disclaimer, I’m not a professional cosplayer by any means, but it’s a fun hobby for me, but something I want to do more of.
First up, we’ll get rid of the harder, more expensive, but pretty optional parts:
- Appli Drive with blue plates with Appmon chip(s) – released when Appmon was running in Japan, each character had their own colour sets and chips released, so you can easily swap in the plates. Can be bought online, I’d recommend looking on FromJapan.
- Dokamon plush – was also released when Appmon was running, can be found on FromJapan.
- Contacts – Nope from me, but if you’re the type of person who wears contacts for cosplays, go ahead.
Now, as I mention the above parts are completely optional and are more props for photos, while they might increase the look of the quality, they also increase the price quite a bit, so it’s no longer a cheap and easy Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay, so keep that in mind.
Now onto the main parts…

Shopping list for the Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay
- Blue canvas shoes – I got mine from BigW and then spray painted them, more on that later ~10AUD
- White collared shirt – eBay, clothing store, second hand store, you might already have one in the cupboard ~5AUD
- Pink wig – I got mine from eBay, there are stacks to choose from, but if you want to go more expensive, but get it faster, party stores always stock wigs ~5AUD
- Short blue shorts – eBay, but any clothing store would have something ~5AUD
- 2 Yellow hair scrunchies – eBay, accessory stores, shopping centres, clothing stores, these won’t be hard to find ~2AUD
- Pink tie – eBay, but again, any clothing store should stock something similar ~2AUD
- Brown suspenders or belt for the short straps – eBay or clothing store ~2AUD
- Pair of black and pink striped long socks – I couldn’t for the life of me find the perfect black and pink striped socks, so I just got regular black and pink socks and bought an additional pair of long black socks which I wear over the top of the black and pink ones – it might be easier to just buy two pairs than to hunt down one pair. eBay is your best bet for this, or any clothing store ~5AUD
- Blue jacket, same colour as the shorts – I had no idea this would be the hardest thing to find, I could not find a jacket that worked for this, so I opted for this active wear jacket from Amazon. If you can find a better and cheaper one, go for it, I gave up, but hey, it’s the most expensive object in a relatively cheap Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay, and it’s not even that expensive. ~15AUD
And one more optional item:
- Skin coloured tights (completely optional – I have leg tattoos) – Super markets, eBay, clothing stores ~5AUD
Crafting required for the Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay
- Rejoice, very little required for this cosplay, just grab a spray can of pink paint, somewhere safe to paint, some old plastic bag (I used the plastic bag that some paper towels came in), tape, and, obviously, the shoes and go for it! You can get this from a craft store, or a store like Bunnings, it shouldn’t be too expensive ~5AUD
Tape the plastic so that all the cloth in the shoes is completed covered, and spray paint the soles of the shoes so that they’re completely pink and not white (or whatever colour they were originally).
This cost me around 60AUD and, if you find as much as you can on eBay, should cosplay you around the same. It was fairly easy to put together too – the only bit of craft was spray painting the shoes – which is pretty easy.
Though, keep in mind I already had the Appli Driver and Dokamon plush.
Cosplay rating
Cost: 3/5
Ease: 5/5
Look: 4/5
So how does it look? Here’s my Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay, which can be made all from the above bits and pieces listed above. Keep in mind I’m fairly new-ish to cosplay.
Let me know if you have your own Eri Karan from Appmon cosplay, or, even if you went for a more expensive option – I’d love to see it!
What other characters would you like to see a cheap and easy cosplay of? Please let me know in the comments and maybe you’ll inspire me to create something new.
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