Our new website is up, so the old one won’t have many new posts coming up in the future.
Eventually, once everything is working as it should, I’ll put a redirect in place so any traffic comes to this one!
As before, our domain is lostintranslationmon.com
I’m still tweaking some things and improving a few other things, but this has taken me many full days of work.
I’ve posted a similar update on our old site
I’m going to take a break now and enjoy the last few hours of my Sunday.
In terms of upcoming stuff, I intend to have Patreon only areas of the website and, potentially, live recordings in those areas.
You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:
- Donate via our PayPal
- Our Patreon (if you’d like to make more than just a one-off donation)!
- May’s ko-fi account!
- By spreading the word!
And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan, Tom, GlitchGoat, Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sithobi, The Time Optimist, Nicholas, Starry, Keith, and Alex Ray Snyder (@alexraysnyder)!