New Website

Our new website is up, so the old one won’t have many new posts coming up in the future.

Eventually, once everything is working as it should, I’ll put a redirect in place so any traffic comes to this one!

As before, our domain is

I’m still tweaking some things and improving a few other things, but this has taken me many full days of work.

I’ve posted a similar update on our old site

I’m going to take a break now and enjoy the last few hours of my Sunday.

In terms of upcoming stuff, I intend to have Patreon only areas of the website and, potentially, live recordings in those areas.

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

 And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan, Tom, GlitchGoat, Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sithobi, The Time Optimist, Nicholas, Starry, Keith, and Alex Ray Snyder (@alexraysnyder)!

What are your thoughts?