Following on from last week’s review and, of course, our podcast discussion episode, it’s time to watch the 65th episode of Digimon Adventure: (2020)!
Opening thoughts
Ah here we are, at the beginning of the end. My main question is how soon they’ll pull out Omegamon again!
Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 65 “The Great Catastrophe, Negamon”

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 65 Review
The chosen see areas from around the Digital World surround them, but also around other Digimon around the world too, it’s just a big zoom call. Lopmon and Tailmon are only just now meeting for the first time, which honestly surprised me.
It’s nice to see all of the Digimon we’ve met and areas we’ve been to this series. Then badly animated tentacles appear and capture the chosen, but the chosen are surrounded by plot magic which stops their pain and rescues them.
It’s nice that that’s kinda canon now. The Chosen Children are brought into the white world of Negamon which reminds me very much of Apocalymon. The Digimon fall to the ground and it reminds me of the characters falling at the start of the original Adventure.
Algomon is there too and says that this is Negamon. Algomon basically explains that Negamon is the same as Apocalymon in Adventure and Algomon evolves to his Mega form. Meanwhile the chosen Digimon are launched by Garbamon, but Algommon stops them.
Komodomon helps them and then falls back to the water as the chosen Digimon join their partners. All of the chosen children decide that they will continue to protect the Digital World and the Human world from chaos.
Agumon evolves to Greymon and then Agumon evovles to Garurumon. They get their evolution sequences. The Child level Digimon hug their partner Digimon and they evolve to Adult in very quick unanimated bursts in smog.
They then all evolve to perfect, and then to Mega to defeat Algomon because this is just the end of the original Adventure.
In the encycolpedia we’re meeting Ofanimon, who Tailmon introduces us to, so we wonder if she can put paw pads on the high heels. Apparently. Omegamon next week!

Rating for Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 65
I liked this episode surprisingly a lot considering it was at least five minutes of evolution.
So what were your thoughts on Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 65? Let me know in the comments or in the discussion thread on /r/Digimon!
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