Digimon Tamers Retrospective - "Renamon is my Friend! Ruki's Perplexity"

Digimon Tamers Retrospective – “Renamon is my Friend! Ruki’s Perplexity”

Digimon Tamers Retrospective
“Renamon is my Friend! Ruki’s Perplexity”

Daisuke realised that Vmon was his friend and this time it’s Ruki’s turn to think “Renamon is my friend!”..but she doesn’t yell it, at least.

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 60 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 60 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 60 Podcast Discussion
Digimon Adventure 2020: Episode Sixty – Captain Joe Sparrow
Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 60 Podcast

May, Quinn, Evie, and Chloe sit down and discuss how Mimi is a sudden coward and how Captain Joe rocks an incorrectly worn jacket.


  • Intro: 0.00.00-0.01.45
  • Synopsis: 0.01.46-0.32-38
  • Discussion: 0.32.39-0.53.22
  • Outro: 0.53.23-1.00.48


You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Podcast
Digital Monster X English Release Unboxing and Start Up

Digital Monster X English Release Unboxing and Start Up

Digital Monster X English Release Unboxing and Start Up

The Digital Monster X English release is finally here! So let’s take a look at the cool shells and even cooler Digimon on the English DMX release!!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet! 

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet!

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet!

I lost my VB Ver Special, so I’ve replaced it and now I have to go through the process of unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards!

My previous coverage
Method 1
Method 2

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 59 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 59 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 59 Podcast Discussion
Digimon Adventure 2020: Episode Fifty Nine – What’s a Parents?
Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 59 Podcast

May is joined by Quinn and Chloe to talk about parents and backstory that is never touched on again.

Also, May gives us a riddle to solve!


  • Intro: 0.00.00-0.01.30
  • Synopsis: 0.01.31-0.30.57
  • Discussion: 0.30.58-1.01.49
  • Outro: 1.01.50-1.08.25


You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Podcast
Koshiro's Crest Activates, AtlurKabuterimon Evolves, And We Don't Get Answers?

Koshiro’s Crest Activates, AtlurKabuterimon Evolves, And We Don’t Get Answers?

Koshiro’s Crest Activates, AtlurKabuterimon Evolves, And We Don’t Get Answers?

Episode 59 of Digimon Adventure:…and still no answers regarding this MAJOR character point even when AtlurKabuterimon evolves?

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

What is Odaiba Day for Digimon Fans and Why August First?

What is Odaiba Day for Digimon Fans and Why August First?

What is Odaiba Day for Digimon Fans and Why August First?

Ever wondered what Odaiba Day is and why Digimon Fans celebrate it on August 1st?

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 58 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 58 Podcast Discussion

Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 58 Podcast Discussion
Digimon Adventure 2020: Episode Fifty Eight – TN: DigiTama Means Keikaku
Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 58 Podcast

May, Quinn, and Chloe talk about how Taichi shouldn’t exist and how Hikari is cracking a cold one open with the boys.


  • Intro: 00.00-02.51
  • Synopsis: 02.52-26.08
  • Discussion: 26.09-47.30
  • Outro: 47.31-52.19


You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Podcast