Just finished recording episode 124! Sending out notes and recording to backers!

We just finished recording Episode 124 which covers Digimon Savers episodes 23 and 24!
We’re sending out our notes and the unedited recording to backers on Patreon now.
We’re also trying this new thing where we send out the ‘episode has been recorded’ announcement on our WordPress site as WordPress now auto shares our posts to Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. So hopefully that all works out!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/339119725″ params=”visual=true&liking=false&sharing=false&auto_play=false&show_comments=false&continuous_play=false&origin=tumblr” width=”100%” height=”500″ iframe=”true” /]

May is a little startled by all the gore in this manga. Jay doesn’t mind it.

– Intro: 00.00-00.32
– Synopsis: 00.33-25.19
– Thoughts: 25.20-29.40
– Outro: 29.41-33.16

Check out our Redbubble!: 

Thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Sam Krieger (who hosts a Digimon and Pokemon podcast with Stevie called ’The Moncast’), Stevie who is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions, Wuqinglong who you can follow on his twitch of the same name, MetalMamemon, Joe, PenguinMage, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Ishpaul Bhamber, Hiro Alato, Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own), Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku, Chisai, Corey, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan (you can read his blog about anime on baguburagu.wordpress.com), SmileWolfy, Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, Nicholas, genehackmon, Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sithobi, Elyvorg, Sporky McForkinspoon, Meagan, and Kyliek! Become a Patreon supporter for as little as a dollar per month and we’ll love you forever!
You can also donate to the production of this podcast using PayPal here.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/338669586″ params=”visual=true&liking=false&sharing=false&auto_play=false&show_comments=false&continuous_play=false&origin=tumblr” width=”100%” height=”500″ iframe=”true” /]

Let’s see how effective an episode aimed to hit nostalgia buttons is…

Check out our Redbubble! 

Thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Sam Krieger (who hosts a Digimon and Pokemon podcast with Stevie called ’The Moncast’), Stevie who is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions, Wuqinglong who you can follow on his twitch of the same name, MetalMamemon, Joe, PenguinMage, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Ishpaul Bhamber, Hiro Alato, Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own), Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku, Chisai, Corey, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan (you can read his blog about anime on baguburagu.wordpress.com), SmileWolfy, Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, Nicholas, genehackmon, Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sithobi, Elyvorg, Sporky McForkinspoon, Meagan, and Kyliek! 

Become a Patreon supporter for as little as a dollar per month and we’ll love you forever!
You can also donate to the production of this podcast using PayPal here.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/338487428″ params=”visual=true&liking=false&sharing=false&auto_play=false&show_comments=false&continuous_play=false&origin=tumblr” width=”100%” height=”500″ iframe=”true” /]

Digimon Data Squad gives a whole new meaning to the joke “Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say…” and now neither May or Jay can stop talking about food. 

Here’s our weekly poll!

Check out our Redbubble! 

Thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Sam Krieger (who hosts a Digimon and Pokemon podcast with Stevie called ’The Moncast’), Stevie who is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions, Wuqinglong who you can follow on his twitch of the same name, MetalMamemon, Joe, PenguinMage, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Ishpaul Bhamber, Hiro Alato, Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own), Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku, Chisai, Corey, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan (you can read his blog about anime on baguburagu.wordpress.com), SmileWolfy, Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, Nicholas, genehackmon, Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sithobi, Elyvorg, Sporky McForkinspoon, Meagan, and Kyliek!

Become a Patreon supporter for as little as a dollar per month and we’ll love you forever!

You can also donate to the production of this podcast using PayPal here.


  • Intro: 0.00.00-0.01.02
  • DigiNews / Lost in NewsLatelymon: 0.01.03-0.02.37
  • Obnoxious Synopsis:  0.02.38-0.07.09
  • Episode 7 Discussion: 0.07.10-0.32.58
  • Episode 7 Opinions: 0.32.59-0.46.42
  • Episode 8 Discussion: 0.46.43-1.08.47
  • Episode 8 Opinions: 1.08.48-1.11.09
  • Overall Opinions: 1.11.10-1.16.22
  • Postmon Pat: 1.16.23-1.28.11
  • Outro: 1.28.12-1.33.37


Screenshot of the Week

Weekly Wonders