Chisai drew us some gift art to use as a sticker on our RedBubble store since we’ve been working so hard on the podcast!
You can check our RedBubble out here!
You can find Chisai on tumblr here!
Tag: digimon podcast
Episode 127 Weekly Poll
We just finished recording Episode 127 which covers episodes 29 and 30 of Digimon Savers!
Shortly we’ll be sending out the unedited episode to Patreon backers pledging $10+ and our notes to those pledging $5+ per month!
New Video on YouTube: [Anime Podcast] LiT Serial Episodes Lain 08 – Serial Experiments Lane
We uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel!
New Podcast episode: Serial Episodes Lain 08 – Serial Experiments Lane
We just released an episode! Serial Episodes Lain 08 – Serial Experiments Lane
Check it out here:
We're recording Episode 127 two days early this week! Make sure to answer our weekly poll and send in any feedback!
We’re recording earlier this week because we’re going to MadFest this weekend and we want the episode to come out and be edited at the usual time so we’re recording Wednesday and May will be editing Thursday!
We’ll be also uploading our Serial Experiments Lain Layer 08 coverage one day earlier (Tuesday) to allow us to record on Wednesday. This will also act as our Halloween episode as nobody sent in spooky Digimon stories.
You have less than 48 hours to give us any feedback for episode 126 and to answer this week’s weekly poll which you can find here!
New Video on YouTube: Digimon Super Evolution Battle Spirits Unboxing
We uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel!
We just finished recording our 8th Lain podcast and Jay's predictions for Digimon Savers episodes 29 and 30!
We’re sending out the recording and notes on Patreon as soon as May’s internet behaves for more than 30 seconds.
New Podcast episode: Episode 126 – Crazy != Genius?
We just released an episode! Episode 126 – Crazy != Genius?
Check it out here:
We just finished recording Episode 126 of the podcast (Episodes 27 and 28 of Digimon Savers)
We just finished recording the latest episode of the podcast which focuses on episodes 27 and 28 of Digimon Savers in both English and Japanese!
We’re sending out our notes to $5+ backers and the recording to $10+ backers soon!