You can help out in the following ways:
- Donate via our PayPal
- Our Patreon (if you’d like to make more than just a one-off donation)!
- May’s ko-fi account!
- By spreading the word!
Thanks to Ishpaul and Andy for the donations so far as well as all current Patreon supporters Sam Krieger (who hosts a Digimon and Pokemon podcast with Stevie called ’The Moncast’), Stevie who is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions, MetalMamemon, Joe, AnimeGuyKurosaki1,Chakmon,Hiro Alato, Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own),Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku,Chisai, Kyle,DaLadyBugMan(you can read his blog about anime on, Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, genehackmon (who hosts “New World Sonata – a sci-fi/fantasy audio drama podcast), Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet,Sithobi, Elyvorg,Sporky McForkinspoon (who hosts a Digimon Podcast called Going Digital), Meagan, Kyliek, Neoboo, The Time Optimist,SilverHairedFreak25 (@SHF25Tweets on Twitter), Harvey, Nicholas, and Anthony!