This is THE BEST Time To Be a Digimon Fan!

This is THE BEST Time To Be a Digimon Fan!

This is THE BEST Time To Be a Digimon Fan!

Is the franchise dead? No! Quite the opposite, in fact, I believe that this is the best time to be a Digimon fan, and here’s why!
Returning to the franchise? Welcome back, check out this video on what to do now!

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And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, Joe, Kasai, and Faelvin!

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