Digimon Card Game Deck Building #2
Digimon Red Deck
It’s the first hot day of the year, so watch as I slur my words through another deck building adventure where I show off my newly built Digimon Red deck while trying to use as few words as possible in order to conserve energy and brain power (spoiler, I fail at it!)
Digimon Red Deck
3x Pyokomon (BT-001)
2x BabyDmon (BT-002)
4x Monodramon (BT1-009)
3x Guilmon (BT2-009)
3x Piyomon (BT1-012)
2x Muchomon (BT1-013)
1x Piyomon (P-002)
1x Agumon (P-001)
4x FlareLizarmon (BT1-018)
2x Greymon (BT1-015)
2x Kockatorimon (BT1-014)
2x Lavorvomon (BT2-014)
1x Growlmon (BT2-013)
1x DarkTyranomon (BT1-019)
2x SkullGreymon (BT1-023)
1x Groundramon (BT1-020)
2x Lavogaritamon (BT2-016)
3x DarkTyranomon (BT1-024)
3x Volcanicdramon (BT2-018)
2x Houhoumon (BT2-019)
1x WarGreymon (BT1-025)
1x Yagami Taichi (BT1-085)
2x Takenouchi Sora (BT2-084)
2x Oblivion Bird (BT1-094)
2x Gravity Press (BT2-090)
1x Volcanic Flare (BT2-091)
1x Brave Tornado (BT1-093)
1x Brave Shield (BT1-095)
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