Upcoming Vital Bracelet Series and Tamagotchi Smart Releases | Digimon VB, VBM, and TamaSmart News

Upcoming Vital Bracelet Series and Tamagotchi Smart Releases | Digimon VB, VBM, and TamaSmart News

Upcoming Vital Bracelet Series and Tamagotchi Smart Releases
Digimon VB, VBM, and TamaSmart News

There’s so much coming out, so let’s take a quick look at the upcoming Vital Bracelet Series and Tamagotchi Smart Releases!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, Sam, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, GreyTanuki, J David, Shelby, DigitalHazard, and Dedicated Gazi!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

VB Lab English Update and Gulfmon Raid! - Digimon Vital Bracelet Vlog #23

VB Lab English Update and Gulfmon Raid! – Digimon Vital Bracelet Vlog #23

VB Lab English Update and Gulfmon Raid!
Digimon Vital Bracelet Vlog #23

The VB Lab App finally got its full English update and the Gulfmon raid is currently running!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet! 

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet!

Unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards on my new Digimon Vital Bracelet!

I lost my VB Ver Special, so I’ve replaced it and now I have to go through the process of unlocking and Resetting DiM Cards!

My previous coverage
Method 1
Method 2

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Joe, Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Kyle, Lizmet, Nicholas, MetalMamemon, Sam, Anthony, Keith, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, and GreyTanuki!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts: