Wandering Across the Rainbow Chopsticks #9: How I'm Preparing for the JLPT N4 (Apps)

Hopefully this won’t be too much of a rehash of a post I made last year about apps that I’ve been using. However, when I wrote that post I hadn’t purchased my lifetime WaniKani subscription and had only done the first few levels. I’ll also only be talking about my main apps that I’m studying, as in, apps that I’m using daily.
So it won’t be as long-winded as the last app recommendation either.
I also made a similar post about companion apps to use along with Genki.

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Wandering Across the Rainbow Chopsticks #8: How I'm Preparing for the JLPT N4 (Textbooks)

While my updates for WAtRC have been lacking (broke my collar bone so I was unable to really type easily for a month and then I got busy writing other blog posts and doing other podcast-related stuff), I have not stopped studying! The last post for WAtRC (5 months ago) I was just finishing level 11 and now, as of ~8am this morning, I am now level 25!

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