Was the Digimon Adventure Reboot GOOD?

Was the Digimon Adventure Reboot GOOD?

Was the Digimon Adventure Reboot GOOD?

I have a lot of complaints about Digimon Adventure: (Colon/2020), but was the Digimon Adventure Reboot good at all?

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And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

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What Is Digimon Seekers?

What Is Digimon Seekers?

What Is Digimon Seekers?

Wonder what is Digimon Seekers and why I’m so excited for this new series? Let’s take a look!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Podcast

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Podcast

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Podcast – The Plot Arrives

Quinn, Chloe, and May greet the plot as it approaches and are always fans of body horror!


  • Intro 00:00
  • Quinn Chloe Quick Comments 02:51
  • May’s Monologue 24:25
  • Outro 46:21


You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Podcast
Digimon Dreamers Chapter 17 English Translation | Saikyo Jump Mar2023

Digimon Dreamers Chapter 17 English Translation | Saikyo Jump Mar2023

Digimon Dreamers Chapter 17 English Translation | Saikyo Jump Mar2023

Let’s read through, translate, and discuss Digimon Dreamers Chapter 17!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Ghost Game Ending + The Plot Arrives | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Review

Digimon Ghost Game Ending + The Plot Arrives | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Review

Digimon Ghost Game Ending + The Plot Arrives| Digimon Ghost Game Episode 64 Review

Looks like we’re finally nearing Digimon Ghost Game Ending and look; the plot has arrived, so let’s see how we go from here!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

The Digimon Movie Wasn't That Bad

The Digimon Movie Wasn’t That Bad

The Digimon Movie Wasn’t That Bad

The Digimon Movie is one of my favourite comfort movies, yes, the English version, and it wasn’t even that bad!

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, and VeemonTamer

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 63 Podcast

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 63 Podcast

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 63 Podcast

May is here to ruin Quinn and Chloe’s day with the Australian Mentos ad and REALLY JUST WANTS TO TALK ABOUT DIGIMON SEEKERS BUT I HAD TO DO A PODCAST INSTEAD.

Also Neon Genesis Evangelion.


  • Intro 00:00
  • Discussion and Decisions 05:40
  • Postmon Pat, Pondering, and Predictions 33:53
  • Outro 49:22


You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts:

Digimon Podcast
New Digimon Series + New Digimon Vital Bracelet + New Digimon | Digimon Con 2023 Wrap Up

New Digimon Series + New Digimon Vital Bracelet + New Digimon | Digimon Con 2023 Wrap Up

New Digimon Series + New Digimon Vital Bracelet + New Digimon | Digimon Con 2023 Wrap Up

Digimon Seekers is the New Digimon Series, but we also got a BUNCH of news at Digimon Con 2023, so let’s check everything out!



You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:

And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Chisai, Neoboo, Lizmet, Nicholas, Emory, Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, and Joe!

Be sure to check us out on our various social media accounts: