The subreddit for Digimon is holding elections for new moderators!
You can find it here.
Both May (Airdramon) and Marc from With the Will (MFBR) are candidates too!
Category: podcast
We just recorded Episode 141 which covers episodes 5-7 of Digimon Xros Wars/Fusion!
We’re sending out our notes and the unedited recording to respective backers on Patreon shortly!
Become a supporter!
We’re taking donations for the Digimon Tamers BD!
New raw episode recording and obnoxious synopsis!
We have a new unedited episode for Patreons pledging $10 or more per month – our thoughts on Layer 12 of Serial Experiments Lain!
We also have our Obnoxious Synopsis recording for backers pledging $7 or more per month and Jay’s prediction notes for those pledging $3 or more per month!
We’ll be sending out everything soon.
You can become a Patreon supporter here!
Podcast update – three episodes per main episode??
Good afternoon!
We’re going to be trailing a new idea in our next main episode of the podcast (Episode 142, releasing on the 24th of March).
We’re going to trial covering three episodes per main episode instead of two now that we release the main show fortnightly instead of weekly.
After Episode 141, we will decide whether or not to continue with two episodes covered per episode or to start covering three per fortnight.
Our podcast covering episodes 3 and 4 of Digimon Xros Wars has been recorded!
The raw and our episode notes will be sent out to respective backers on Patreon!
One month till the Digimon Tamers BluRay collection is released!
As we mentioned in this post, we would really appreciate any donations to assist us cover the cost for the Tamers BluRay which is coming out next month so we can cover it for the blog.
You can help out in the following ways:
- Donate via our PayPal
- Our Patreon (if you’d like to make more than just a one-off donation)!
- May’s ko-fi account!
- By spreading the word!
Thank you so much for your time. We’re recording our thoughts on episodes three and four of Xros Wars tonight, so Episode 140 will be released tomorrow morning AEST.
Thanks to current donators Ishpaul and Andy!
Another update to our release schedule!
We’re due to finish the Digimon anime (if we keep up the fortnightly main-series release)in September 2019.
We’ve also added some special episodes in the between weeks….
You can check out the schedule here!
Over 250 episodes! RIP our RSS feed I guess…
Good evening!
We just realised that because we have released over 250 episodes for the podcast, our RSS feed is only showing the latest 250, meaning that, unfortunately, episodes of our podcast that aren’t in the latest 250 will no longer appear on iTunes, Stitcher, or any website that uses our RSS feed (i.e. basically all of the podcast listening services).
If you need to listen to any of our older episodes, however, they will always be available on our SoundCloud or YouTube. They aren’t being deleted, they’re just being removed from our RSS feed, annoyingly.
Read more here about tracks not appearing in RSS feeds on Soundcoud.
Our Next Next episode has been recorded and will now be sent out to backers!
We just recorded our podcast covering the second volume of Next with Sam and Sporky and the unedited episode will soon be sent out to all backers on Patreon pledging $10 or more per month!
Our podcast covering the first two episodes of Digimon Xros Wars has been recorded!
We’re sending out our notes and the unedited recording now!