Following on from last episode’s review and, of course, our podcast discussion episode, it’s time to watch the 66th episode of Digimon Ghost Game)!
Opening thoughts
The penultimate episode of Ghost Game has a lot hanging on it, but how much will be answered this week?
Digimon Ghost Game Episode 66 “The Black Dragon of Destruction”

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 66 Review
Wow the animation is pretty great so far! Anyway, the characters try to reason with BloomLordmon who is protecting something. Gammamon evolves to Siriusmon and I really hope he’s not the only one who gets to matter, but the others get to evolve to Mega too, so that’s a relief.
Nevermind, everyone but Siriusmon gets taken over by vines instantly. BloomLordmon notices the darkness in Siriusmon and attacks him so he reverts to Gammamon, GulusGammamon then talks to Gammamon in this Lain and Evangelion hell scape, Gammamon then evolves to GulusGammamon. GulusGammamon then evolves to Regulusmon and says that Gammamon is gone.
Hiro asks to synchronize with Regulusmon, but he’s actually doing it to return him to CanonWeismon, but some weird space in time is opened, causing Regulusmon to split. BloomLordmon frees the other Megas as he sees that they are not villains.
Regulusmon attacks and pierces a huge hole in Siriusmon and says he was never losing he just pretended.

Rating for Digimon Ghost Game Episode 66
I was fairly concerned going into this episode and had fairly low expectations, but that meant that I enjoyed this week’s episode even more, I’m really looking forward to the finale next week now, and I still think the series can knock it out of the ball park and dethrone Appmon as my favourite series of Digimon!
For more thoughts, check out my quick thoughts video on this episode:
So what were your thoughts on Digimon Ghost Game Episode 66? Let me know in the comments or in the pinned weekly discussion thread on /r/Digimon!
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