Digimon Chronicle Manga Coverage on the Podcast

Firstly, despite saying in the recording last night I wasn’t sure about accessing copies – turns out that not only have they been translated, but it also seems I own all of the official releases somewhere at my parent’s house as they were released with each of the Pendulum X versions.

Secondly, it seems that the format for Digimon Chronicle, due to it being originally released along with the booklet for each of the Pen Xs, differs from the other Digimon Manga.
So, I was wondering if I could try something different; maybe I could try turning it into an audio drama-type thing.  With added narration/audio description, obviously.
Therefore, I thought I’d set up a poll about this to see what listeners would prefer.
Obviously, this will take a little longer if we went with an audio drama episode instead of a regular episode and it would require extra resources, so please keep that in mind. In addition, I want to try and get multiple people involved it this so it would also take additional time due to availability of the people I have in mind.
So, without further ado, please vote in this poll:

Also note, future Manga coverage will be a normal podcast episode similar to V-Tamer and Next. This one’s just..different.

You can help out the podcast and blog in the following ways:
And thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Sam Krieger, Stevie (is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions), MetalMamemon, Joe, AnimeGuyKurosaki1, Chakmon, Hiro Alato (@FightFenghuang on Twitter), Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own),Steven Reeves, Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku,Chisai, Kyle,DaLadyBugMan(you can read his blog about anime on baguburagu.wordpress.com), Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, genehackmon (who hosts  “New World Sonata – a sci-fi/fantasy audio drama podcast), Matthew, Anthony, Lizmet, Sporky, Sithobi, Meagan, Kyliek, Neoboo, The Time Optimist,SilverHairedFreak25 (@SHF25Tweets on Twitter), Harvey,Nicholas, Anthony V, Harrison, Michael and Michael C!


What are your thoughts?